The Hunger games inspelningen har börjat!
Inspelningen av filmen The Hunger Games börjar idag, den 19 maj!
The "Hunger Games" movie production company has set up camp in the old mill town of Hildebran, and filming will begin this week, according to a report published Tuesday.
"Hunger Games" starts filming in Hildebran this week
The "Hunger Games" movie production company has set up camp in the old mill town of Hildebran, and filming will begin this week, according to a report published Tuesday.
According to the Hickory Daily Record, filming will be done in the Henry Mill Village section of Hildebran, which is in Burke County. A road there will be closed starting Thursday, through May 26, the newspaper reported. The location was picked with the assistance of AdvantageWest, the Asheville economic development office that often assists filmmakers.
"The Hunger Games", being shot under the working title "Artemis", stars Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hensworth, Woody Harrelson and Stanley Tucci.
Postat av: K
Ah va jag längtar till filmen!!!
Postat av: lovisa
vad händer denna fredag+:D
Postat av: Anna
Längtar till filmen också! :)